1/ Personal data protection

UNI-Presse is committed to protecting your personal information. In accordance with the Information and Freedoms Law of 1978, our site is declared to the CNIL since September 2011, our declaration number is 1534329. Your personal information belongs to you. Whenever this information is collected, we are sure to respect our users’ fundamental rights. We store three kinds of information :


1. Nominal information

Information concerning you is exclusively for UNI-Presse. We only ask for what we need in order to manage your subscription. Your information may also be used by our internal services or contractually-linked third parties in order to analyse our business and marketing. At any moment, you have the right to access, modify, contest or delete your information. For any questions, please contact UNI-Presse — 112 rue Réaumur – 75080 Paris Cedex 02 France. 01 42 78 37 72, or email us at servicepro@uni-presse.fr


2. Cancellations 

At any moment, you can cancel your subscription by clicking the link in all emails send by UNI-Presse, or by contacting us at servicepro@uni-presse.fr


3. Cookies

The sections of our site that you consult, as well as how you go about navigating our site — having this information allows us to personalize and improve your experience of our website. This information is often treated statistically.


UNI-Presse, Association Loi 1901
112 rue Réaumur, 75080 Paris Cedex 02 FRANCE
Tel : +33 (0)1 42 78 37 72
Siret no. : 44879427100024
Registered with the PARIS Prefecture of Police
Intra-Community VAT code : FR 30448794271
Chairman : François – Xavier Devaux
Managing Director : Mariana Negri – Marchegay


2/ Site Hosting

RCS Paris   492 893 490
91 rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré – 75008 Paris


3/ Credits


Sébastien Galliot seb@demenageur-site.com
Killian Weidner kil.weid@hotmail.fr